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E-Fines Traffic Fines Downloader

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E-Fines Traffic Fines Downloader

Speed Auto Systems has technology to build software robots (bots) which can read data from websites & web portals. Based on same technology, we have developed a product “E-Fines Downloader” which can read  & download the traffic fines  against your vehicles from different traffic fines authority web portals. This traffic fines data is stored in database & shared with your system in the form which is acceptable by your system provider.


  1. No human effort required to collect traffic fines data
  2. Accurate traffic fines record
  3. Ontime charging of traffic fines
  4. Traffic fine Instant Email & SMS notifications to responsible person
  5. Elimination of risk for traffic fines to become your company expense


  1. Traffic Fines downloading against your traffic file id
  2. Traffic Fines downloading against number plates/registration numbers of your vehicles
  3. Interface with your system using any of below methods:
    1. API
    2. Staging database
    3. CSV/XML/CSV File Sharing
  4. You can also keep the record of traffic fines authority payment record in E-Fines System.
  5. E-Fines system can be used as Traffic Fines Reconciliation Tool too.

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